Cleveland City Planning Commission
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Rehabilitation Study of the former U.S. Coast Guard Station
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The former United States Coast Guard Station is a unique gem on Cleveland’s waterfront that embodies the City’s strong maritime history and culture. Located on a small peninsula where the Cuyahoga River, Lake Erie, and Downtown Cleveland come together, this historic landmark occupies an important gateway into the City. Built in 1940, the site served as the headquarters for the commanding officer and crew of the United States Coast Guard until 1976. In 2003, the City acquired the then vacant building from a private entity and subsequently began a Rehabilitation Study to understand the existing conditions and begin a public dialog to determine the optimal future use for this site. The Study developed three schematic design options, which can be viewed in more detail below, along with a condensed version of the Powerpoint presentation from the final public meeting.

View the final report here. (Adobe Acrobat format )
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