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The Cleveland City Planning Commission provides the public with an interactive GIS web app for viewing the official zoning district maps, overlays, landmarks, and other planning-related information in the City of Cleveland. Users can select layers of interest and customize the web app as needed. Widgets allow users to search addresses, select parcels, print, share maps, measure, filter and more.

By default, the CPC Zoning Viewer is configured with a standard set of layers for common zoning information. For your convenience, we also provide the following preset configurations of the CPC Zoning Viewer that load the layers pertinent to other common tasks. Please see our gallery of alternative CPC Zoning Viewers below. Please note that users may still fully customize any of the following web apps after opening.

Design Review & Local Landmarks Districts

For looking up which design review district and design review region a site falls under, and who to contact.
The historic districts/parcels take precedence over design review districts.

Local and National Landmark Districts

For looking up City of Cleveland local landmark districts, parcels, and points. For additional historical context, historic fire insurance and plat maps (via Cleveland Public Library) can be enabled in the layer control.

Neighborhood & SPA's

For browsing Cleveland's various neighborhoods, which are formally known as Statistical Planning Areas (SPA). The last time SPAs were modified was 2012.

Residential Facilities

For viewing all residential facilities licensed with the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services, including the City's regulatory 1,000 ft buffer zones between all facilities.

City Wards

For exploring the City's seventeen wards, finding your Councilmember, and quick access to their contact page at the Cleveland City Council website.

Zoning Viewer

This is the standard zoning viewer for exploring basic zoning information in the City of Cleveland. It includes zoning districts (use, height, area) and overlay districts. Additional zoning information can be found in the layer control.