Design Review

Meeting Schedule & Agendas for 2021


Under the conditions specified by law, the Cleveland Planning Commission will be conducting virtual meetings in a limited capacity using the WebEx Platform. This will include limited agenda items to initiate the process to ensure we can appropriately evaluate the process.

The Planning Commission will also be live streamed on YouTube. The links for the live streams will be available before the meeting.

In order to keep the WebEx session to a manageable size we are asking individuals that wish to participate in the meeting to contact the Planning Commission office by phone or email (email is preferred). Those individuals not planning to comment on any agenda item during the WebEx session are encouraged to view one of the live streams.

To contact the Planning Commission office and request access to the WebEx Meeting email us at

We ask that you include the name of the project you plan to comment on when requesting access to the WebEx meeting.

WebEx Help WebEx Website (App Download)

YouTube Live Stream