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  • Architect/Firm:  Charles Cramer
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Name: Charles Frank Cramer

Birth/Established: October 23, 1862   Death/Dissolved: June 25, 1933


Firm Affiliation: Cramer & Fugman

  C. Frank Cramer was a native of Racine, Wisconsin and was raised and educated there. In 1882 he was a draughtsman in the office of Joseph Blackburn and in 1886 formed a partnership with Godfrey Fugman that lasted until 1897. A booklet on the works of Cramer and Fugman was published. He left the architectural firm in 1898 for duty in the U.S. Army during the Spanish American War. After the war he was appointed the superintendent of construction for the U.S. Treasury. He was responsible for federal buildings in Akron, Fort Dodge, Omaha, and Canton. He was National Commander in Chief for United Spanish War Veterans. A member of the Cleveland Grays and the Euclid Light Infantry. 


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Cleveland Illustrated 1893

Plain Dealer - June 26, 1933

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