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Certain proposals for construction, exterior alterations, building demolitions or signs in the City of Cleveland must undergo a process known as "design review." The City established this process as a policy to ensure that any visual changes to buildings or open spaces will enhance the architectural character of the Downtown or other special planning areas in the City, such as Urban Renewal Plan areas, Community Development Plan areas, Neighborhood Commercial Districts and the Public Land Protective District.

Committee Members (voting)

Charles Adams, business owner(Chairperson)
Jack Bialosky, Jr., Architect
Melanie Boyd, Architect
Craig R. Brown, Landscape Architect
Keith Brown, Realtor
Fred H. Holman, Jr., Architect (Vice Chairman)
Lillian Kuri, Architect
Laura Noble, CDC staff

David Parrish, Architect
Norman K. Perttula, Architect
Jonathan Sandvick , Architect
Mark Schwartz, graphic designer
Kay Taber, Art broker
Rory O. Turner, Architectural Technichan
Barbara Williams,
Thomas Zarfoss, Landscape Architect

City Planning Staff

Gary Newbacher

Ned Reich

Jean Crawford