Design Review Committee & City Planning Commission
Agenda for February 14 & 15, 2008


DESIGN REVIEW starts at 1:30 p.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.


Draft Agenda for February 14, 2008

Committee Members

David Parrish
Norman K. Perttula
Jonathan Sandvick
Mark Schwartz
Kay Taber
Rory O. Turner
Barbara Williams
Jack Bialosky, Jr.
Melanie Boyd
Craig R. Brown
Keith Brown
Cavana I.O. Faithwalker
Fred H. Holman, Jr. Vice Chair.
Thomas Zarfoss


  1. DRC 07-027: 9300 Quincy Avenue, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Justice Center, Final Design Development Review (Government Building/Ward 6) (Fr DRAC April 19, 2007) [Submitted 2/5/08]

  2. DRC 07-053: 9201 Hillock Avenue, Charles H. Lake, K-8 School, Final Design Development Review (CMSD/Ward 8) (Fr DRAC 12/20/07) [Submitted      ]

PLANNING COMMISSION starts at 9:00 a.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.


Draft Agenda for February 15, 2008

Planning Commission Members

Gloria Jean Pinkney
Joe Cimperman
Norman Krumholz
Robert N. Brown
Anthony J. Coyne, Chairman
David H. Bowen
Lillian Kuri
Lawrence A. Lumpkin

  1. Ordinance Number 2021-07 - To change the zoning of parcels on the southwest corner of Fleet Avenue and East 71st Street from Local Retail Business to Multi-Family Residential (Map Change No. 2246 Sheet No. 6).  (this property is surrounded by residential districts on three sides; the rezoning would prevent the establishment of any future harmful uses)
  2. Ordinance Number 113-08 - To change the Use District of land on the north side of Bellaire Road west of Jasper Avenue from Two Family Residential to Local Retail Business (Map Change No. 2252, Sheet No. 2).  (This would allow for a business expansion.)
  3. Ordinance Number 114-08 – To change the Use District of land on the southeast corner of West 32nd Street and Meyer Avenue from Two Family Residential to Local Retail Business (Map Change No. 2251, Sheet No. 2). (This would allow for a parking lot which would serve a business across the street.)
  4. Ordinance Number 117-08 - To change the Use and Area Districts of land south of Kinsman Road fronting on East 154th Street from a Two Family Residential District and a ‘B’ Area District to a Local Retail Business District and a ‘C’ Area District (Map Change No. 2253; Sheet No. 10). (This would allow for a business expansion by adding a parking lot.)


  1. Ordinance No. 161-08 (Zone/Ward 17):  Authorizing the Director of Public Utilities to apply for an accept a Water Supply Revolving Loan Account loan to provide funding for the Morgan Water Works Plant Pretreatment and Residual Project; determining the method of making the public improvement of constructing the improvements; and authorizing the director to enter into one or more public improvement contracts for the making of the improvement.
  2. Ordinance No. 168-08 (Polensek/Ward 11):Designating the St. Joseph Cristian Life Center Retreat House and Accessory Buildings, also known as the Cunningham Sanitarium, as Cleveland Landmark.




  1. DRC 07-027: 9300 Quincy Avenue, Cuyahoga County Juvenile Justice Center, Final Design Development Review (Government Building/Ward 6) (Fr DRAC April 19, 2007) [Submitted 2/5/08]

  2. DRC 07-053: 9201 Hillock Avenue, Charles H. Lake, K-8 School, Final Design Development Review (CMSD/Ward 8) (Fr DRAC 12/20/07) [Submitted      ]