Design Review Committee & City Planning Commission
Agenda for March 15 & 16, 2007


DESIGN REVIEW starts at 1:30 p.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.


Draft Agenda for March 15, 2007

Committee Members

David Parrish
Norman K. Perttula
Jonathan Sandvick
Mark Schwartz
Kay Taber
Rory O. Turner
Barbara Williams
Jack Bialosky, Jr.
Melanie Boyd
Craig R. Brown
Keith Brown
Cavana I.O. Faithwalker
Fred H. Holman, Jr. Vice Chair.
Thomas Zarfoss


  1. DRC 07-013 : University Hospitals, Master Plan Update, Relocation of Service Center, Cancer Hospital, Center for Emergency Medicine, Patient Parking Garage, Conceptual Reviews ( University Circle/Ward 9) [Submitted 3/5/07]
  2. DRC 07-014 : Cleveland Clinic, Euclid Avenue between East 86 th & East 105 th Streets, Streetscape Treatment Revisions and East 96 th Street Plan (CCF/Ward 6) [Submitted 3/6/07]
  3. DRC 07-017 : East Side of RR Bridge over Mayfield Road, Welcome Sign for University Circle (Ward 6) [Submitted 3/5/07]
  4. DRC 07-015 : 10700 Euclid Avenue, National City Bank, New Construction (University Circle/Ward 9) [Submitted 3/7/07]
  5. DRC 07-016 : Chester Avenue, between East 81 st & East 82 nd Streets, Chester-East 82 nd Townhouses (Madonna Hall Site) (Housing/Ward 7) [Submitted 3/6/07]


PLANNING COMMISSION starts at 9:00 a.m.,
in Room 514 at City Hall.


Draft Agenda for March 16, 2007

Planning Commission Members

Gloria Jean Pinkney
Joe Cimperman
Norman Krumholz
Robert N. Brown
Anthony J. Coyne, Chairman
David H. Bowen
Lillian Kuri
Lawrence A. Lumpkin

  1. Ordinance No. 70-07 (Reed/Ward 3) : To change the Use District of land on the east and west sides of east 152 nd Street north of Kinsman road from a Two Family Residential District to a Residence Office District.
  2. Ordinance No. 71-07 (Zone/Ward 17) : To change the Height District of land on the north side of Detroit Avenue between West 65 th St. to West 67 th St. from a ‘1’ or a ‘2’ Height District to a ‘3’.
  3. Ordinance No. 145-07 (Polensek/Ward 11 ): To change the Use District of property located on the northeast corner of East 185 th St. and Neff Road from Local Retail Business District to an RA2 Townhouse District.


  1. Resolution No. 302-07(Britt/Ward 6 ): Declaring the intent to vacate a portion of East 93 rd Street (60 ft. wide) extending Northerly from the Northerly line of Euclid Avenue (80 ft. wide) to the southerly Line of Chester Avenue N.E. (86 ft. wide).
  2. Ordinance No. 379-07 (Zone/Ward 17) : Authorizing the Directors of finance and Public Utilities, to jointly solicit proposals from wireless broadband network providers to finance, own, design, build, deploy, manage, operate, maintain, repair and upgrade a Citywide wireless broadband network infrastructure, for a ten year period with two additional five-year options to renew; and authorizing the authorizing the Director of Finance and the Director of Public Utilities, as appropriate, to enter into one or more agreements with the selected provider to effectuate the improvement, including but not limited to right-of-way and pole attachment agreements, and access to other required city-owned assets.
  3. Ordinance No. 297-07 (Reed/Ward 3) : An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on East 131 st St. to Ralph D. Cowan.
  4. Ordinance No. 1640-06 (Lewis/Ward 7 ): An emergency ordinance authorizing the sale of real property as part of the Land Reutilization Program and located on Linwood and East 65 th Street to Hopewell Missionary Baptist Church.


  1. DRC 07-013: University Hospitals, Master Plan Update, Relocation of Service Center, Cancer Hospital, Center for Emergency Medicine, Patient Parking Garage, Conceptual Reviews ( University Circle/Ward 9) [Submitted 3/5/07]
  2. DRC 07-014: Cleveland Clinic, Euclid Avenue between East 86th & East 105th Streets, Streetscape Treatment Revisions and East 96th Street Plan (CCF/Ward 6) [Submitted 3/6/07]
  3. DRC 07-017: East Side of RR Bridge over Mayfield Road, Welcome Sign for University Circle (Ward 6) [Submitted 3/5/07]
  4. DRC 07-015: 10700 Euclid Avenue, National City Bank, New Construction (University Circle/Ward 9) [Submitted 3/7/07]
  5. DRC 07-016: Chester Avenue, between East 81st & East 82nd Streets, Chester-East 82nd Townhouses (Madonna Hall Site) (Housing/Ward 7) [Submitted 3/6/07]