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Near West Design Review Case Report


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Project Information

Near West Case #  NW 2017-003

Address: 4126 Pearl Road
Company: Mahoning Lighting & Maintenance, Inc.
Architect: Mahoning Lighting & Maintenance, Inc.

Proposed installation of new building, canopy & pole-mounted business identification sigange for a combination food mart/gasoline station.


Committee Actions/Submissions

Date: January 31, 2017
Committee: Staff
Action Type: Initial Plan Submission
Date: February 8, 2017
Committee: Local Design Review Committee
Action Type: Tabled

Committee moved to recommend tabling action on the signage package with the understanding that the project sponsor prepare a new submittal to include the following: (1) a monument-style sign in place of the previously proposed pole sign to accommodate the business ID sign and electronic changeable copy pricing information. Monument sign should be mounted on a base no higher than 30" above sidewalk grade and be placed w/in a landscaped island with perimeter concrete curbing.  Landscaping materials to be consistent with newly installed Pearl Rd. R-O-W landscaping, specific types to be determined in consultation with Old Brooklyn CDC; (2) revised canopy signage featuring a red aluminum color and white banding w/the word "Food Mart" removed; (3) adjustment to the placement of the food mart's wall-mounted sign such that it be centered above the building's display windows; and, (4) an overall reduction in the amount of Pantone 1795 C color red banding on the canopy and food mart building.

Date: February 15, 2017
Committee: Staff
Action Type: Revised Plan Submission
Date: February 22, 2017
Committee: Local Design Review Committee
Action Type: Approved with Conditions

Committee moved to recommend approval of the busines identification signage designs with the understanding that the following modifications be made to the drawings and submitted electronically to staff for final review and approval:  (1) a reduction in the height of the base of the monument sign from 3'-0" to no taller than 2'-6"; (2) a change in color on the building banding, from the white depicted to a light gray color; (3) elimination of the use of Pantone color 1795 C on the building and in its place, standardization with the red color Pantone 186 C that is proposed for use on all other canopy, aluminum and monument signage.